Environmental & Land Use Briefing - February 2019

F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 9 | 1 ENVIRONMENTAL & LAND USE B R I E F I N G I N T H I S I S S U E : ‚ ‚ Supreme Court to Review Controversial Groundwater Discharge Case ‚ ‚ PFAS Management Plan Released ‚ ‚ Proposed New Definition of “Waters of the United States” ‚ ‚ State Takes Action on California’s Housing Crisis ‚ ‚ Prop 65 Trends ‚ ‚ EPA Has Broadened Mobile Source Enforcement ‚ ‚ California Adopts Significant Amendments to CEQA Guidelines ‚ ‚ CEQA Lead Agencies Must Connect a Project’s Significant Air Quality Impacts to Likely Health Consequences ‚ ‚ Supreme Court ConsideringWhether to Hear Key Case on the Scope of Class Certification in Toxic Tort Cases ‚ ‚ NRD Overhaul on the Horizon? F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 9